What is Filling?

A Dental filling is a way to restore teeth that are damaged by decay back to their normal function and shape. The dentist first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. They help to restore teeth that are damaged, back to their normal function and prevents further decay.

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  • Cavities: Cavities remain the reason that dentists give patients fillings. Even so, not all cavities need fillings.
  • Tooth Fracture: Many times, fractured teeth can be repaired with a white composite filling material.
  • A Slow Loss of Tooth Structure When you fracture your tooth, you lose a lot of tooth structure quickly. There are other ways that you can lose tooth structure more slowly, such as abrasion, erosion, and attrition.
  • Replacing Old Fillings: Old fillings may need to be replaced. Over time, white fillings can discolor and the bond between the filling and the tooth can break down. Silver fillings may also fracture after many years of service.

Amalgam fillings are silver colored. Amalgam fillings are strong and economical. This kind of filling is usually used on the back ‘chewing’ teeth. Amalgam doesn’t match the color of your teeth.

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Composite fillings are strong, but may not be hard as amalgam fillings. After the tooth is prepared, the filling is placed into the cavity while it’s soft, then hardened with bright blue “curing” light.  Small and large fillings, especially in front teeth or the visible parts of teeth. The composite filling will match the color of your teeth. Composite filling cost more than Amalgam filling.

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Frequently asked questions:

What is treatment like?

For all fillings, your tooth needs to be prepared by the dentist. Typically your dentist will create a space to receive the filling. In the case of Amalgam, and Composite, your filling will be placed immediately after the tooth is prepared. These fillings usually can be done in one visit. 

How Long Do Fillings Last?

If cared for properly, a typical filling will last 5-10 years before it needs to be replaced.

Will I Be in Pain Afterward?

Normally, your tooth will remain sensitive to heat and cold for about 2 days after the filling. This pain is normally very mild. You should feel no pain and be back to normal in three days.

Are fillings safe?

Dental fillings have been used for generations to treat cavities and tooth decay. The materials used are safe and approved for oral care and tooth repair. 

When to Replace?

A Cavity Filling Tooth fillings usually last for many years before they need to be replaced. But tooth fillings can wear out over years of chewing. If you clench or grind your teeth, you may need to have tooth fillings replaced sooner. If you notice signs of wear on your tooth fillings, such as cracks or worn areas, see your dentist to have the filling replaced as soon as possible. Continuing to chew with a damaged filling can cause the tooth to crack and require additional repair that is more expensive and more complicated than a simple cavity filling. If additional tooth decay develops around a filling, whether or not the filling is damaged, your dentist may choose to repair the tooth with a crown instead of a second cavity filling.

Can I replace my old silver fillings with tooth-colored fillings?

Many people opt to replace older silver fillings with tooth-colored composite resin restorations. Speak with your dentist in order to determine whether updating old metallic fillings is an option for you.

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